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take up a job中文是什么意思

用"take up a job"造句"take up a job"怎么读"take up a job" in a sentence


  • 他被任为那所大学的终身教授


  • She has taken up a job as a teacher .
  • Johannes takes up a job at munich s university of technology
  • What is considered most important to you in taking up a job
  • It is generally supposed that a good wife and virtuous mother will definitely oppose his daughter to take up a job
  • In the film , andrews plays nun maria who leaves an austrian convent to take up a job of a governess to a navy captain and his seven kids
  • More than 90 percent of the interviewees said they would rather take up a job after graduating and then consider starting their own business two or three years down the road
    超过90 %的受访者称,他们打算毕业后先找份工作,干个两三年后再自己创业。
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